一拳超人 琦玉老师的训练计划
- 缺少拉的动作来锻炼斜方肌,菱形肌,背阔肌和三角后束。忽视锻炼背部集群,就会导致体态失衡又继而引起伤痛。
- 俯卧撑主要锻炼胸,肱三头肌, 肩部和腹肌。
- 仰卧起坐主要锻炼臀屈肌和腹肌。
- 深蹲主要强调下半身的肌肉,比如臀肌和股四头肌。
- 极度不推荐仰卧起坐,会损伤脊柱和椎间盘,并且在过程中会不断屈伸臀屈肌,并不能有效锻炼腹肌。当然卷腹是很好的腹部激活动作,但是卷腹同样存在损伤脊椎骨的问题,因此注意频率,一周1到2次是可以接受的。
- 关于10KM跑,跑步时很需要技巧和经验的一个运动,不要一开始就跑10KM,逐步增加运动量,来使韧带和肌肉适应。
- 关于训练频率,一般建议一周三练,因为肌肉是需要时间来恢复的,只有训练和休息充分结合,才能最大化成果。即便将肌肉拆分训练,也最好安排一天休息日,什么都不做,来恢复身体。
- 关于训练强度,要找到最适合自己的训练强度。随着训练的进行,体能的提高,也要提高训练强度来找到最适合自己的强度,即起到了刺激拉伸的效果,也不至于肌肉损伤。
100 push ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10 kilometers running, repeated every single day. Saitama’s workout routine is quite popular. But how effective is this training routine in real life and really go bald when you do it?
First we took look at the exercises, every exercises in this trainning routine is a compound bodyweight exercise. That’s means it really effective because it trainning a lot of different muscles at same time. There are there major problems in exercise selection.
First there are no pull-ups exercise included in it. Push-ups training muscles like the chest, the triceps, the shoudlers and the abs(Abdominal muscle). Set-ups are heavily focusing on your hip flexors and abs. Squats mainly emphasize lower body muscles like the glutes and the quads, and running is also a lower body dominant exercise even if it’s more endurance than strength focus but what about your lats traps rhomboids and rear delts these muscles are very important to build an evenly trained body not only in terms of looks but also of health. Negelecting those muscles can lead to imbalances and imbalance can lead to poor postrues and injuries.
The second problem are sit-ups. Sit-ups are one of worst exercise you could do if you want to train you abs effectively. One of the issues of sit-ups is too repetitive spine movement. Doing hundreds of sit-ups every day can wear out you spine and the discs between the vertebrae much faster than it should be. Another issue of sit-ups is that this exercise heavily invloves you hip flexors. When these muscles are too tight they can create several problems like for example imbalances and back pain. In addition they take away the load from your abs which make the exercise ineffective for them when you do a sit-up your abs only work in the first part of the movement. In the second part you mainly use your hip flexors to lift your lower back off the ground. Now you might say all right i will do crunches insead. Well, the crunchs is very effective when it comes to abs activation. But we still do not recommend to do them too often as mentioned before the problem of the repetitive flexion of your spine is similar in both sit-ups and crunches. It’s not a problem if you include crunches once or twice a week but do not do hundreds every day.
The last issue is 10 kilometer running. Do not get me wrong. Running itself is not a bad activity but 10 kilometers every day is one of the worst things you can do. When you come to running it’s very important to have the right technique and experience. If you never ran 10 kilometers before you should start with the shorter distance and let your body time to recover. Especially your tendons and ligaments need time for adaptation.
So how should the exercise selection look like instead. You can keep the push-ups, the squats and the runing but we sort out the sit-ups and include body rows instead. As mentioned before, you need an exercise which activates the biceps, lats traps, rhomboids, rear delts and other muscles on your backside of your body. The body row is like an inverted push-up and perfect for activating those muscles.
When it comes to the sit-up and you really want to add an extra exercise for your abs. You can replace it with crunches but as mentioned before do not do this exercise every day.
It’s also possible to just stick to push-ups, rows and squats, because in all those exercises you have to stabilize your body and this also activates your abs.
Now we have to take a look at the trainng frequency and here we have to ask the question. Is it really good to training you whole body every single day? When it comes to working out you need to understand the concept of super compensation, this means that your body needs times to recover after a hard workout. You won’t build muscle and increase your strength during the workout but in the rest period. So if you are a beginner and you do hard full-body workout sessions every day of the week. You will sabotage your own progress. That is the reason why most beginner workouts include only 3 full body strength training sessions a week. Of course it always depends on how hard your trainning is and what exercise you do. If you do easy avtivities like walking cycling or even mobility training you can even support your recovery instead of slowing it down.
So the most important point when it comes to the amount of training days a week is how challenging the taining is. If you do exercises which are really hard for you and you train to fatigue in every set, every exercise and in every workout. You will nedd more to recover as if you do easy exercises without exhausting yourself. On the other hand if you only do easy exercises or activities you won’t get challenged anymore. And with that you won’t get strong and won’t build more muscles even if you train every day. If you ara a intermediate or advanced athlete you could split your workouts into different muscles groups or body parts like push-pull and legs or upper body and lower body. This kind of training allows you to train more often but we still suggest to rest at least one day a week. And do not go out in every session. Even if you train other muscles your body still needs time to recovery as a whole. This not noly includes muscles tendons and ligaments but also your brain. If you are mentally exhuasted all the time you won’t be able to concentrate on your workout and with that you won’t be able to perform well. Progressive training should also include harder and easier phases. With this kind of training you stay away from injury and overtraining and you will be able to max out your gains.
The last issues we have to face is the fixed amount of numbers. 100 push-ups for example are much harder for 100 squats. Most beginner struggle to do even 10 proper push-ups on the ground while they can do 10 squats easy. So in order to build an evenly strong body with right muscle proportions. You should do exercises that challenge you on same or nearly the same level.
Another problem of the fixed reps is no progress overload. 100 push-ups could be too much for beginnner but if you are already in a good shape it can be too little to improve yourself further. If you don’t overdo it and stress your body too much it gets used to every kind of training or activities. This may not slows downs you progress it might even stop it. The solution for this is simple, and more variety. If you just started working out 200 times push-ups instead of regular ones if 100 push-ups on groud are not challenging anymore try side to side push-ups. You can also adapt the other exercise for example you can change the angle when doing the body rows and you can do jumping squats instead of regular ones. If you always adapt the exercise to your level you can constanly improve yourself and avoid stagnation and overtraining.
All right, let’s sum up all points again. You do three full-body sessions a week and choose variations and progressions that are hard enough but not too hard for you. You can also include running but as mentioned before don’t start with 10 kilometers and let your body time to adapt and recover. After a while you should still change the whole workout structure to improver yourself further and make your gains lasting. There are so many exercises variations and ways to train that you would waste your time and pontential if you would always stick to same routine.