CCR (Cross Cluster Replication),
本文会介绍如何在ES6.7环境下搭建CCR 双向复制模型, 并测试HTTP和TCP Client(ES7.0版本为Deprecated, 8.0正式移除)两种模式是否能够实现数据跨集群备份。
在本文中,为了同时支持TCP Client,TCP Client需要配置集群名称,如果主副集群名称不一致,当主集群下线时,请求会forward到备用集群,因此我们需要确保相同的配置也能连接到备用集群,其中就包括证书,集群名称,账户密码等。
Define Remote Cluster
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| curl -XPUT -u elastic:xxxxxxxxxxx "http://{{primary_cluster}}:{{http_port}}/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "persistent" : { "cluster" : { "remote" : { "{{cluster-name}}" : { "seeds" : [ "{{node-0}}:{{tcp-port}}", "{{node-1}}:{{tcp-port}}", "{{node-2}}:{{tcp-port}}" ] } } } } } '
查看Remote Cluster定义是否正确
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| #Get _cluster/settings
curl -XGET -u elastic:xxxxxxxxxxx "http://{{server}}:{{http_port}}/_cluster/settings?pretty"
#Get remote information
curl -XGET -u elastic:xxxxxxxxxxx "http://{{server}}:{{http_port}}/_remote/info?pretty"
Template 设置修改
CCR需要Primary Indices的 soft_deletes
我们也需要添加 aliases ,因为对follower index我们会给到一个follower的前缀(见Auto-follower pattern),因为集群Kibana中配置了很多默认的Index-Pattern, 它们是匹配不到有follower 前缀的索引的,在这里添加一个别名指向自己就可以解决这个问题。
当然修改index-pattern也是一个方案,index-pattern 的修改会影响到dashboard和visualization的数据展示,为了避免导致的问题,添加别名可能是更好的方案,考虑到对集群的影响下。
Beat Template Change
在两个集群上同时上传template, 注意beats的yml文件中需要预先设置es连接
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| ./metricbeat setup --template -c metricbeat_es_cl1.yml
./metricbeat setup --template -c metricbeat_es_cl1.yml
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| #获取template内容 GET _template/{{template_name}}
#更新template PUT _template/{{template_name}} { {Other-Setting} "settings": { "index": { "soft_deletes": { "enabled": "true" }, } } "aliases": {"{{alias-name}}":{}} }'
Self-generated Template
创建Auto-Follower Pattern
我们需要在两个集群上都创建auto-follower pattern
- 需要声明remote_cluster name, 因为我们可能会有很多remote-cluster connection.
- 还需要声明leader index pattern,既怎么样的Primary Index需要被选中,这里只支持* 通配符。
follower-index-pattern中,我们使用了leader_index 这个字符串,这是一个内嵌的变量,会被映射为primary index的名字,而其他的花括号都是需要填入真实的数据
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| GET /_ccr/auto_follow/ PUT /_ccr/auto_follow/{{auto-follower-pattrn-name}} { "remote_cluster" : "{{remote-cluster-name}}", "leader_index_patterns" : [ "metricbeat-6.7.0-*" ], "follow_index_pattern" : "follower-{{leader_index}}" }
所有的数据都不直接连接到ES集群,而是连接到LoadBalance, 当集群下线,由LB自动来切换集群。
一开始想选用Haproxy,然后他forward tcp请求遇到点问题,懒得解决了,就直接用nginx了。
Nginx Preparation
这里为了方便和尽量不影响测试机器上的环境,我们使用docker 来装nginx.
Nginx Configuartion
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| user nginx; worker_processes 1;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn; pid /var/run/;
events { worker_connections 1024; }
http { include /etc/nginx/mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main; sendfile on; keepalive_timeout 65; include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; server { listen 9001; location / { proxy_pass http://http_backend; } }
upstream http_backend { server gdcdc80490:9204; server dc3dc80189:9204 backup; } }
stream { server { listen 9002; proxy_pass stream_backend; }
upstream stream_backend { server gdcdc80490:9303; server dc3dc80189:9303 backup; } }
Start Nginx Container
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| docker pull nginx:stable docker run --name {{container_name}} -v {{your_nginx_cfg_path}}:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro -p 9002:9001 -p 9001:9001 -d {{image_id}}
这里我们使用Metricbeat来发送数据测试HTTP请求的Automatic Failover
Metricbeat Config
Metricbeat connect to loadbalance
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| output.elasticsearch: hosts: ["{{nginx_server}}:9001"] protocol: "http" username: "elastic" password: "{{pwd}}"
Startup metricbeat
./metricbeat -c
TCP Test
这里我们使用ES 的Transport Client去作为TCP一端的测试,
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| try { String truststorePath = "C:\\Users\\xxxx\\xxxx\\Elasticsearch\\Certification\\xxxx-xxx.p12"; String clusterName = "ES_CL1";
Settings settings = Settings.builder() .put("", clusterName) .put("client.transport.sniff", true) .put("", true) .put("", truststorePath) .put("", truststorePath) .put("", "logaggcert") .put("", "logaggcert") .put("", "true") .put("", "certificate") .put("", "elastic:dopdevPassword") .build();
TransportClient transportClient = new PreBuiltXPackTransportClient(settings);
try { transportClient.addTransportAddress(new TransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName("itsrhv17064"), 9002)); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
Map<String, Object> json = new HashMap<String, Object>(); json.put("user", "kimchy_java_api"); json.put("postDate", new Date()); json.put("message", "trying out Elasticsearch"); while (true) { IndexResponse response = transportClient.prepareIndex("zibu", "_doc") .setSource(json, XContentType.JSON) .get(); }
} catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error preparing ESBolt: " + e.getMessage(), e); }
- 启动MetricBeat 和 ES TCP Client,测试整个DataFlow是否正常。备用集群能否创建follower-index.
- 关掉主集群,测试备用集群能否正常工作。
- 重启主集群,测试主集群能否为备用集群上的primary-index来创建follower-index
Ansible To Manage ES Cluster
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| --- - hosts: es_cl1 gather_facts: false vars: ece_storage_path: /data/ecedata tasks: - name: Start ES Nodes shell: hostname register: result
- debug: var: result
- name: Stop ES Nodes shell: ps -fe|grep ela |grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'| xargs kill -9 ignore_errors: yes - name: Start ES Nodes shell: nohup /usr/local/clo/ven/ESCluster671/tools/esnode/bin/elasticsearch -d & environment: JAVA_HOME: /opt/jdk register: eslog
- debug: var: eslog